Thank you Prof Muzaffar, for taking the time to read my article. I appreciate and respect your feedback. I have written that article based on my interaction with students over a 35 year period of teaching Physics at various levels from class 11 to BSc and based on their comments, fears, perceptions, and misconceptions. Students of 11 and 12 classes generally find Physics tougher than other science subjects. Usually, after every competitive exam like IIT JEE or the medical entrance exam NEET is over, students say that physics section was difficult. It appears that the theory is "manageable" but too much emphasis in physics on derivations and numerical problems make students turn away from this subject. I really don't see how we can teach any meaningful physics without math; you must have seen the classic books by Richard Feynman - Lectures on Physics - they are very good but at times difficult to read/understand because there is less math. Infact, I remember having read once a book with the title "Physics without Math" - there wasn't even one equation in that book - not even the E = mc^2 ! But it was a tough book.
ICT can help a lot in making topics easier but nothing can beat a physics laboratory, as you will agree. I love taking things apart and then, failing miserably at putting them together! Once someone told me - "if something works (like a TV, radio etc), never give it to a physics person, he will make it unusable".
Thank you, again, for reading this too !